We are starting to use notes for meetings. I've set up to-dos for everyone to add their respective items to the agenda. Would be great to copy these with the meeting template vs. having to setup todos every time.
Rob Eroh
over 8 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Aha Estimate vs Allocation - Resource/Dev Planning
We need to know that when we put in annual planning estimates for requested initiatives/features and we only get partially funded that we can refer to the same place to see the difference. Original estimated time vs allocated funded time.
Each change of a due date in my To-Dos list view take 4 clicks to expand the task, navigate to the date, change the date, and collapse the task. I just want to change the date so I can move a to-do to the next day or the next week... or pull up on...
Richard Price
about 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Allow to pull product value from feature board to idea board
Our team has been heavily using the feature board and has been placing any backlog items/ideas into the parking lot. We are now expanding our use of Aha and want to use the Idea board. So transferring all of the ideas with all of their information...
As a PM, I need to have a legend on the Burndown/Progress Chart. I can't remember what the colors mean. And I have to have the link to the Help Page bookmarked on our Overview page to share with others.
Pamela Thomas
about 4 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
Our company works with sensitive data and we would like to globally shut off the ability to add attachments. In order to meet security requirements, we have quarterly auditing of attachments in addition to coaching users to insert an SSO protected...
Cindy Datlof
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
new feature creation (copy an existing), like for releases
I like the possibility to copy existing releases, when I create a new release for another product. I can imagine, that it would help many AHA users, including me.
Tobias Michels
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Challenge: I love that you can customize the cards on the features board to align with how your team works. However, when I then view a details page, the card is not customized in the same way. Desired experience: I would love to be able to custom...
Julie Price
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Link called "Releases Assigned to You" in weekly email summary should link me to a page showing ALL my releases at once.
Seems odd that "Releases assigned to you" shows only 1 release no matter how many are assigned to me. I understand that in the drop down, I can see ALL releases assigned to me and then select each one (individually) but I would rather see a list o...
The available functions are great for most things but can cause things to get very confusing when a complex function is needed. It would be great to have the option to use javascript in place of these.
Dakota Eakin
about 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration