Exposed a "total linked records" field for epics and features
We are interested in identifying the number of dependencies a particular epic or feature has to proactively manage the sequencing work and identify potential schedule risk. Our teams prefer roadmaps to visualize the work. However, custom roadmaps ...
Stephen Wingert
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Add Ideas Portal Auto-Assigned Number to the Splash Screen
A customer asked for this: Add the auto-assigned number in the Ideas Portal to the splash screen so when scrolling through the "Ideas" a viewer can see the issue number without having to drill into every Idea. Current functionality allows one to S...
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Keep the user data encrypted on Aha!'s end - in your instances and databases. Encrypt/decrypt on-the-fly right in browser, so no one but the authenticated web user can see and modify the user data. (This will assure needlessness of an on-premise A...
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Greater functionality for idea portal automations used with multiple selection fields
We use automations to automatically assign ideas based on their categorization. Quite often ideas overlap product categories and as such multiple categories are assigned. The issue we are finding is that by adding the secondary categorization the ...
Dan Green
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
At the moment after meetings we typically have notes sitting on a number of different devices and formats. Would be great to have the feature similar to ideas where we can send in notes for a product to appear... Keeping everything in one place.
almost 10 years ago
in Notes
Unlikely to implement
Ability to remove large new obtrusive Icon on feature cards to indicate Jira Integration
A very large icon has been added to the Aha feature cards to represent Jira integrations. Previously, the Jira reference number was shown as a hyperlink. The new icon has significantly increased the size of each feature card with no benefit and ha...
Melissa Hughes
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Enable download of attachments on Competitor and Persona Screens via presentations
On Competitor and Persona Screens you can add attachments. You cannot download these via presentations. Could you make attachments downloadable via presentations for these?
Tom Bailey
almost 8 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Ability to Define and Visualize Capacity of Release Phases
We are an agile software company that releases on a cycle of 3 sprints, each 2 weeks long. We can set our release capacity based on the # of development hours to determine about how many features we can commit to, but we also need to plan how many...
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Comments should not be editable by anyone except the creator of the comment.
It does not seem right that anyone with access to our Aha environment should be able to edit someone else's comment. While notifications and history on the object may help identify when such a thing happens. But not having that ability to begin wi...