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Key results API

What is the challenge? Need the ability to manage and update hundreds of key results at once. It would be best to be able to do this programatically. What is the impact? Currently, my only option is to do a bulk import (but custom fields are not y...
Nathaniel Collum 10 months ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Sort Initiative Roadmap by Product or Color

The primary sort for the initiatives on the roadmap is by start date. There is no available configuration for the secondary sort, it is hard coded to be alphabetical. I would like to show a different secondary sort (ie by product to show product l...
Jamie Burr over 9 years ago in Roadmaps / Strategy 6 Shipped

Headers on pivot tables

We love the new pivot reports! But we'd love them even more if we had headers on them so that other folks looking at them can make sense of what they are looking at.
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Initiatives - custom status fields and status color

Is it possible to edit/change/create new statuses for the Initiative Status? Right now the values are Achieved, On Track, Some Progress, At Risk, Abandoned and Not Started. We would like to use different values and colors.
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Ability to move and edit a whiteboard template - or tell users they can't

What is the challenge? Moving a whiteboard and/or editing any part of a template is risky business. The library of templates for whiteboard elements is great and growing every day, but it would be nice to enable to move templates across the whiteb...
Ian Babelon 3 months ago in Whiteboards 2 Shipped

Display Product value Score on Initiative Record cards in Strategic Initiatives Workflow

What is the challenge? Product value has been added to the initiative layout and appears in the initiatives created. However, in the Strategy/Initiatives/Workflow view, the product score does not appear on the record card, even though the record c...
Guest 7 months ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

Add ability for users to create custom templates for whiteboards

This would allow a user to create custom whiteboard templates to support internal processes and meeting types. For example, one of our internal teams performs regular retrospectives and organizes the data in a specific format each meeting. Being a...
David Willequer over 2 years ago in Whiteboards 2 Shipped

Integrate the Aha To Dos with the Outlook Calendar

Would be very helpful to be able to manage the Aha To Dos and have the visibility of the Aha To Dos on the Outlook Calendar.
cheryl fetchko almost 9 years ago in To-dos 5 Shipped

Capacity report - Correctly show when work was logged on feature

Who would benefit? Product owners creating capacity reports using 'Team by time' scenarios What impact would it make? Fix a bug where logged work is copied to every time interval a story is estimated in How should it work? At the moment, if a feat...
Daniel Campbell over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 1 Shipped

Add the ability to sort timeline report items.

As a user, I want to be able to sort items in a timeline report so that I can prioritize rows appropriately.
Guest about 9 years ago in Reports 8 Shipped