Dependencies in to-dos / Related to-dos / disabled to-dos based on conditions
We want to create a list of to-dos where each to-do only would being active after previous to-do is marked as completed by all assigned people. That would allow to create multiple to-dos at once without irritating people by assigning to-dos they c...
almost 3 years ago
in Dependencies / To-dos
Future consideration
Make an option to choose the text color of the row cells in the reports
In Aha! templates/reports, there are no options to choose the text color of ‘Rows, Columns and Swimlanes’. Sometimes the URLs in reports are in white in ‘Roadmap’ view and other times they are in blue in ‘Pivot’ view which makes a drastic change w...
Chandra Rekha
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Show the overall scorecard description at the top of the scorecard inside of a workspace
While we can use the ? tooltip to display descriptions for individual metrics, I'd the description for an overall scorecard to appear at the top of the scorecard details in an Epic/Feature. This functionality would make it easier for me to link to...
Jennifer Briden
almost 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I do not see anything that covers target market like who would you sell this product to if you are trying to sell to companies. We have user personas but target market personas are different. Like fast food restaurants, department stores, etc We w...
Sherri Anderson
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I want to set up approval groups where a certain set of individuals have approval across a whole product line while other groups have approval only for specific product workspaces within that line. I've just discovered that inheritance for workflo...
Rich Baldry
almost 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
We currently have to search by idea and feature titles, which is very cumbersome. If we already know the reference number, we should be able to search for that as well. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to find items in the system
almost 9 years ago
in Search
Already exists
Allow user to select if they are rolling up to an initiative created within the workspace or an initiative created outside
When linking an epic or a feature to a initiative the search box appears retrives results for every product in the hieracy. This is a very important capability in Aha!, however the list can be hundreds of initiatives, and searching that list each ...
Andrew Brooks
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration