Dependencies in to-dos / Related to-dos / disabled to-dos based on conditions
We want to create a list of to-dos where each to-do only would being active after previous to-do is marked as completed by all assigned people. That would allow to create multiple to-dos at once without irritating people by assigning to-dos they c...
almost 3 years ago
in Dependencies / To-dos
Future consideration
Add bulk edit mode we have for Predefined choice list also to Editable choice list fields. This to have the same usability and off course to speed up data entry and maintenance.
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Providing view only access to notebooks would allow Aha users to access the notebooks directly from Aha vs. having to save a URL link or be emailed a PDF. It would also allow users to view historical versions (for example: historical roadmaps, his...
over 8 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
i have set the phases up with specific colours to help with identifying the different streams of work for a release; however, the 'view colours' options don't include custom colours, only 'status', 'assignee' and progress.
Andrew Pearson
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Already exists
As an product owner, I want idea portal submitters/users to have a simple, obvious, and fast method to share a link to an idea when they have just created it, or are viewing any idea, so that they can push the link to other in the organization thr...
Dan Molloy
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Show the overall scorecard description at the top of the scorecard inside of a workspace
While we can use the ? tooltip to display descriptions for individual metrics, I'd the description for an overall scorecard to appear at the top of the scorecard details in an Epic/Feature. This functionality would make it easier for me to link to...
Jennifer Briden
almost 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add Product ID as a field to the Workspace Info Tab
The only way users can see the workspace Product ID is to pull a report. As a result, our workaround is to download the Product ID and upload it to a custom field on the workspace layout. This is a lot of manual work for something that is inherent...
Cindy Datlof
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Sticky notes in Whiteboard automatically update text based on colour
Miro has some smart automation where changing a sticky note colour (for example, black or white), will automatically update the text within it. This ensures that text contrast works and remains visible within the sticky note. Having this would mea...
Terence Osmeña
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration