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WCAG 2.1 AAA Conformance for Tags

For the Tags field (not a custom field), the colors of the tags are auto-assigned by Aha!, without opportunity to control the colors (as far as I can tell). Many of these tags do not meet basic color contrast ratios to meet accessibility needs. A ...
Joseph Gehling almost 3 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Manually update Idea Votes

We converted our ideas from another application. We are working to clean them up. When I merge ones that were created prior to the conversion it will not update the number of votes. I would like to ability to change that number (or even better hav...
Trit Mulligan over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Ability to sort feature cards in a release according to default priority ranking field

A product manager will frequently switch between the priorization screen and the board to view features. If the drag-and-drop stack ranking is used and without product value, then the card sorting drop-down excludes this field. The workaround is t...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Assign To-Dos in comments

Sometimes it can be hard to wade through a lot of notification emails from Aha! and keep track of what requires action. Something I wish Aha! had was the ability to assign a to-do directly in a comment. That way the person leaving a comment doesn'...
Emily Yankush over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Email assignee when idea ships

We want to be able to generate an email that sends the assignee of an idea an email reminding them to add a portal comment for the stakeholders when the idea transitions to a specific status (in this case: shipped). Since the logic is set to auto-...
Nerissa Muijs over 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Promote the All, In Progress, and Not Started links to buttons to improve the user experience.

Per, I was encouraged to make an Aha idea. I wonder if it is worthwhile considering making the filter types on the Goals, Initiatives, Features, and Requirements a little bit more prominent. When the All |...
Guest about 7 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Show all users in users page in workspace settings

Owners are not able to view and manage the access of all workspaces that fall under the line from the parent line level - they are only seeing access to the line itself, not the workspaces underneath it. This issue arises from users page in worksp...
Ashton Tsou over 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Create shared fields across objects

I'm interested in creating shared fields across objects, so that products, features, master features, etc could be filtered by the same custom field (like team or sprint). It would allow us a lot more consistency and flexibility in how we view our...
Sarah Ziegenfuss about 7 years ago in Application 3 Already exists

Allow to include start and end date on advance filters for custom roadmaps

We would like to be able to filter custom roadmaps to include items that start after a certain end or end after a certain date. This ability is critical in order to display all items that are being work on in a certain time frame, not just ones th...
Reut Levi over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Already exists

Chart Column - add option for "Idea Created Week"

There is the option to have columns by Month and Year, but by Week would be very helpful for each weekly reporting to management.
Kyle Crawford almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration