Create a new field type to make establishing relationships to records more consistent
What is the challenge? Today teams can create any relationship between any record through record links. As standards are established some teams would like the ability to ensure specific relationships are set between set record types. What is the i...
Kristina Gass
12 days ago
in Dependencies
Future consideration
Allow To-Dos, Approvals & Work Requests to all be pulled in as one object in reporting module
What is the challenge? Today, when reporting on To-Dos, you need to pull in three different objects to get To-Dos, Approvals & Work Requests in a report view. This will put all three of these items on the same line in list views and pivot view...
Tim Haspert
20 days ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When scrolling through notifications, some of which might be long, you lose context of which one you're looking at What is the impact? Minor, but it would be an easy win Describe your idea Use css position: sticky to keep th...
Greg Brown
25 days ago
in My work
Future consideration
Allow users to snap dates to a quarter (or month) in a Gantt
What is the challenge? Some teams always capture their initiative ranges over a range of quarters. It would be nice in the Gantt views to be able to snap a date to a quarter (or year, month) on the timeline. What is the impact? Easily set timefram...
Madeleine Black
22 days ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Allow initiative custom fields to search by Product Workspace Name to select Initiatives
What is the challenge? When searching for Initiatives (using an Idea: Initiatives field - at the Product Line) the I am only have to search for distinct 'initiative names' versus searching by the 'Product Workspace' and seeing the initiatives grou...
Mike Jacobson
5 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Option for contributors to be paid seat group owners
What is the challenge? Currently, only billing admins and workspace owners can own paid seat groups. It would be helpful to allow contributors to own paid seat groups as well. This would allow individuals to own the group, without providing them o...
Brittany Rhoney
18 days ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Customizable notification filtering system based on record type, event type, and delivery channel preferences
What is the challenge? Users are overwhelmed by the flood of notifications without sufficient control over what appears where. The current system creates information overload, causing important updates to get lost among less relevant alerts and re...
Add an Ideas Portal visibility setting that is for creator and voters
What is the challenge? When we archive ideas, we set the visibility to Creator so that the creator is able to see the results of his/her idea. However, if there were any votes on that item, it would be good for the voters to also see that idea and...
27 days ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to see months from Custom Roadmap on Dashboards
What is the challenge? Can't see months from Custom Roadmap when included on a Dashboard What is the impact? Want a roadmap with Months and not just quarters Describe your idea Allow to include months or mirror what's being shown on a Custom Roadm...
Alex Berestenko
5 days ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Name of workspace when granting access is too long
What is the challenge? When granting access, the workspace name is only about 2 inches across then it is "..." if the workspace name is longer than this. It would be great to expand the user access grant interface so we can see the whole name if t...
Russell Glenn
5 days ago
in Account settings
Future consideration