Our organization doesn't need the added hierarchy of initiatives. We want to remove the option to promote an idea to an initiative, so users of our workspaces won't accidentally do so.
Asim Dhital
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Overview Page: Persisitent change to show Description section
As a PM of a new organization, I need the Product Line/Workspace Overview pages to show the full Description section so that our new Teams can easily find information between Work spaces. Suggested "quick" fix, is to allow the user (or admin) chan...
Pamela Thomas
over 4 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Add Benefits Map/Success Map as a Product strategy model
We use Benefit Maps to help plan out work and recieve Business approval. The content of the map is all on Aha such as Company goals, initiatives, and often features. The latter two typically come through the our Ideas portal. It would be beneficia...
David Goodman
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Our UX team has created a set of approved personas for the entire company to use in all of their product lines. Our UX group would now like to have the ability to look at a specific persona and find out what are all the open initiatives, goals, ma...
Joe Granville
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
AHA! Should share a public version of its roadmap so that users can know what changes/features are planned and when they are planned for
There are plenty of features I wish AHA! would have, and when I look at the ideas portal, some of them say, "likely to implement". What does that mean in terms of timeline? How long of a roadmap does AHA keep? These questions could be answered if ...
Oleg Yazvin
over 6 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Provide an ability to apply data formatting and justification settings for cells in pivot tables.
Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? Numeric information can be configured to be displayed using right justification -- which is the norm. Currently, numeric data in pivot table cells are displayed with a left justification. Con...
Kelwin Y
about 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Option to view Initiatives/Goals without Effort-Value matrix diagram
The PM group I work with does not use the Effort-Value matrix diagram on the Initiatives or Goals working page under "Strategy" and therefore find it quite distracting that the diagram is always there and takes up 2/3 of the screen. Also, since we...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I'd like to understand more about who and with what frequency our users are actively using AHA! to drive adoption. We've been able to download the total users with the date they were activated and the last activity date. However, we can't categori...
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration