It would be really useful to be able to report on things such as : Products with No Goals, Products with no Initiatives, Goals with no Features etc. The standard filtering doesn't really allow this to happen. Be good if you could add a 'Has no <...
Mark Taylor
almost 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We are building out Models & Positioning Templates for our Teams to use that will reference the different Competitor & Persona Profiles but with no way to actually link the records.
Templates only allow you to add blank component sections...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Keep notification's email subject consistent to allow email threads/conversations instead of single emails per change
As a user, I would have all the notifications email for specific ideas or releases in a single conversation/thread.
In Gmail, if I receive multiple emails with the same subject, they get grouped in a conversation/thread. To do this, I believe the ...
when doing things like assigning a feature to an epic, or viewing epics on any of the boards, it would be extremely useful to be able to filter out or separate out shipped epics (like is one with shipped releases)
almost 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to remove an Idea from a portal when more than one portal is active
Currently I have a workspace with two portals. When an idea is created and made visible to "Employees" it will show in both. One portal is meant for Customers and Employees (using the visibility settings), while the second portal is a subset of em...
Chris Eichermüller
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
It would be nice to be able to sort Notifications from oldest to newest so that I can catch up on progress chronologically. Currently I have to go to the last page and work my way forward.
Multiple Dependency Definitions appear in Gantt Chart Report
Today within the Gantt Chart view, the only Dependency Type that appears to be captured is "Dependent On" or "Dependency Of". This neglects other dependency types. All types should be included in this view
Josh Tambor
almost 5 years ago
in Dependencies / Reports
Future consideration
If a new workflow is applied to a workspace, update any affected Automation rules
When you select a new status workflow for a workspace (any record type) it forces you to remap existing statuses to the new statuses. We should also update any automations to use the new statuses using the mapping the user selected when changing t...
Todd Meyer
almost 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration