Include initiatives and objectives in the Related Tab under Release
Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? Product managers can at a glance identify if their user stories are tied to Initiatives and objects How should it work? Would it also be possible to include initiatives and objectives?...
10 months ago
in Releases
Future consideration
I set my releases Gantt view to sort by release date. If I add a new release, it appears at the bottom regardless of the sort order it should be in. If I manually refresh the screen, it remains at the bottom. To have it sort properly, I have to go...
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The columns shown are interesting, but not particularly useful to me. I'd like Timeframe, Goal, Progress, and Status. I suspect other users would find it useful as well, perhaps with other content and layout requirements.
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
We would like to be able to extract some insights from our Aha data. For each release:
How many points over capacity are we?
After the first sprint in a 2-sprint release is completed, are we half way done with story points?
How many features do w...
As an admin of an idea portal, I want to control which specific email templates are triggered for an idea so that I can communicate with customers when the most important changes occur on an idea that they care about. For example, we have customer...
Patrick McCasky
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Filter Releases on the Feature Roadmap to create a dynamic, rolling roadmap view
I'd like to be able to use the Feature Roadmap and filter which releases are included, for example only releases scheduled to ship in the next 60 days. This would allow me to have a dynamic roadmap view of the next 2 months to provide to internal ...
Jonathon Leeke
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When I have many features in a release it can be time-consuming to manually reorder them. The rerank option is super helpful for this. However, there are some situations where I would like to be able to reverse the order of the rank. For example, ...
Kelly Sebes
almost 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
'Download original' btn should activate download (not open in new tab)
When users are viewing attachments and click on the 'Download Org' btn, it opens the attachment in a new tab where the user then has to save it to their computer. We should just auto download the attachment when they click this btn.
Sarah Cottle
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Who would benefit? Organisations who use the OKR framework What impact would it make? Connect strategy from corporate level, through teams and to individuals. Connect the corporate red thread of strategy to the personal 'what's in it for me'. Help...
Steve Dagless
10 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration