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Show only the user's company name in the portal

Whilst an individual may respond to an idea, they are really a representative of their company or a particular team. Some may prefer not to be individually identified ion a public portal. Hence the ability to replace an individuals name with that ...
Keith Mantell almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Allow customization of presentation url

As part of branding the presentation screen, it would be nice to have the ability to reflect its name / goal in the url. ie. {organization} Notebook/Product-Name
Ido Lanuel about 7 years ago in Presentations 1 Unlikely to implement

Frameworks: Assign stakeholders by role

What is the challenge? Steps in Frameworks have a Stakeholder field which is a user field. People come and go over time but in a framework, the role of the person ought to remain the same. Typically, it is the contribution of that role which is im...
Steve Dagless 7 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Show records with delivery risks flagged regardless of the status in reports

What is the challenge? If a record is flagged with a delivery risk manually and then marked as "Will not do" or "Shipped", the record is automatically filtered out of reports that include "Feature deliver risks: Flagged' filter. Even when includin...
Madeleine Black 7 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow presentation themes to be copied

Many times the user needs to modify the theme slightly for different audiences.
Keith Davenport about 2 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Capability maps

For large complex platforms / products it is sometimes difficult to see how initiatives and features address a certain aspect of the ecosystem, the performance of those capabilities and where our next opportunities are. I use a capability heat map...
Guest about 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Allow changing assignee colors on Gantt charts

Currently the functionality exists to color the bars by assignee but those colors are designated by Aha and we cannot customize them. This would be helpful for organization and allow associations to be standard across reports to make decisions qui...
Dylan Kogut over 4 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Save Labels or create icons for testing (pass, fail, info, question

Currently, there is not an easy way to save testing indicators that we like to use to pass / fail our tests that are written in the aha comments. There is an option to create a label, but those cannot be saved and so need to be recreated each tick...
Guest over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Allow idea portal SSO to use the main account SSO for auth

I would like the option to reuse the SSO from the main Aha account SSO for any idea portal we create. So in the idea portal SSO tab, you could pick the Aha account SSO to use for auth on the portal. My struggle at the moment is to have our securit...
Brian Carr about 8 years ago in User management 3 Unlikely to implement

Make Navigation bar clearer for what product you are on

Biggest confusion I have so far is the UI "top bar." I spent 3 hrs adding content in Vision and Strategy on the wrong product! I'm sure there's a clearer way to highlight which product the user is on.
Guest over 5 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration