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Allow users to snap dates to a quarter (or month) in a Gantt

What is the challenge? Some teams always capture their initiative ranges over a range of quarters. It would be nice in the Gantt views to be able to snap a date to a quarter (or year, month) on the timeline. What is the impact? Easily set timefram...
Madeleine Black 8 days ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Extend Auto-Layout Functionality to Table Cells

What is the challenge? To efficiently manage and present data within table cells. We often need to adjust cell sizes and alignments manually, which can be time-consuming and prone to inconsistencies. Ensuring that the auto-layout feature works wit...
Noel Scerri 4 days ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Make My Work notification headers sticky

What is the challenge? When scrolling through notifications, some of which might be long, you lose context of which one you're looking at What is the impact? Minor, but it would be an easy win Describe your idea Use css position: sticky to keep th...
Greg Brown 12 days ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Improve Auto-update filter on Workspaces on Reports so that Workspaces are REMOVED when they are moved out of that hierarchy.

What is the challenge? If I move a workspace out of the hierarchy to the archive I have to go to EVERY report and take them out. Auto-update ADDs workspaces but it does NOT remove them when they are moved. What is the impact? Potentially having to...
Leanne Miller 5 days ago in Roadmaps 0

Create New Initiative Directly from an Existing Initiative

What is the challenge? Product Leaders cannot create a new Initiative (we refer to them as Epics at Thrivent which is one product line lower) directly from an existing initiative in Aha. You can only add existing initiatives. This is challenging f...
Guest 7 days ago in Epics 0 Likely to implement

Make a smashing sound when I delete a feature

What is the challenge? I need closure when I delete features What is the impact? I will feel satisfied and experience catharsis Describe your idea When I delete an idea, I want to hear the sound of smashing plates, breaking glass, or a minor explo...
Guest about 1 month ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Add an Ideas Portal visibility setting that is for creator and voters

What is the challenge? When we archive ideas, we set the visibility to Creator so that the creator is able to see the results of his/her idea. However, if there were any votes on that item, it would be good for the voters to also see that idea and...
Guest 14 days ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Add reports to global search

What is the challenge? Any report that I need, I better have it in my browser search history, or I'll never find that report again What is the impact? Recreating reports, over and over again Describe your idea Please add reports to search as a fil...
Evan Bates 8 days ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Support fixed workflow status transition approvals for Aha! Develop

What is the challenge? Fixed workflow status transition approvals are not available for Aha! Develop and cannot be created per record type i.e. have a fixed workflow for feature and a flexible workflow for a requirement What is the impact? Cannot ...
Terence Osmeña 6 days ago in Application / Development / Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

When publishing a competitor chart to Presentation text is not aligned

What is the challenge? When publishing a strategic competitors Chart to our Presentation the chart text is misaligned What is the impact? The High and Low text is grouped together and not aligned as expected. Describe your idea The presentation sh...
Guest 4 days ago in Strategy 0 Planning to implement