Additional usage analytics -- reporting, customizations, etc.
We have many, many workspaces and customizations throughout our Aha! account. Having access to additional analytics related to usage would allow us to keep our account 'clean' and remove anything that is no longer being used or interacted with. Fo...
Shannon Sauvé
almost 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
In our organization we often times create hierarchy reports that show the product release, product master feature, and product feature.
We typically want to apply the same filter to all three: specifying the same product name and release name.
Michael Faust
almost 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We have been trying to position competitors on the “Competitor Matrix View” at product level. However we were expecting to see the competitors we have loaded in at the root product level line to add to the matrix. When the “competitor matrix view”...
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Put 'starred' reports/roadmaps/etc in an intuitive place
What is the challenge? I can never find the feature request or roadmap reports/lists/etc that I star. Why aren't these super easy to find? What is the impact? It takes a ton of time to find them sometimes, or I just redo the work. I end up needing...
6 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Markdowns interpret Markdown in text blocks but down size them properly What is the impact? Whiteboards are unusable once you put markdown in them Describe your idea Support the sizing of boxes with markdown in and/or allow ...
6 months ago
in Whiteboards
Likely to implement
Who would benefit? Product Managers and Owners What impact would it make? Prioritizing based on more than just custom fields allows us to quickly prioritize the work, rather than manually going through and entering in the priority. How should it w...
Frank S
12 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
I really need to be able to create a calculated field that let's me form a URL via concatenation and display a clickable link on a list report. This would be identical to the HYPERLINK function in Excel.
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to Deep Link to specific Workspace in an Ideas Portal
We leverage one Idea Portal with multiple Workspaces in a drop down. I think there should be the ability to manipulate the URL (with anchor links) that when clicked would send the person to the same Portal but would automatically choose a specific...
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Currently if you create a report which has unique records of remaining estimate (in days), if you try and sum the records it only shows the sum in minutes. Please change this so the sum can be shown in either days, weeks, or months.
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Leverage AI to solve complex Aha! worksheet/calculated column formulas
It would be very helpful if I could describe the calculated column (or worksheet column) that I want in plain english, and have suggested formulas that work with Aha! syntax presented. This would help drive solutions faster and not get caught up i...
Madeleine Black
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration