Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? Users could more easily find Ideas and PMs would spend less time deduplicating How should it work? Search for Ideas should not only use lexical/keyword search but also semantic search to find ...
Matt Kalan
11 months ago
in Search
Future consideration
As a user of Aha, I want to be able to add phases and milestones to initiatives, so that I can track important work streams relating to an initiative.
Today, the only way to track work streams, phases or milestones is to create a release. However...
almost 7 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Email is still the most used tool in business. ideas, project information, technical details... are all sent via internal email.
Integrating Aha with email by using an add-on will be great. The user right-click on a message to see a sub-menu of Ah...
over 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
An easier way to reset "filters" in an existing view
What is the challenge? I've noticed that in certain views, a list report for example, if you change filters, etc. it enables the "save changes" button, but there really isn't a handy way to reset back to the current saved filters. What is the impa...
Jerry Kitch
6 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
Some ideas and features are across products under the product line. The group product manager should be able to manage and prioritize these ideas/features at the product line level and be able to assign it to product/products if it goes across
over 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Include original and remaining story point estimates in filters
I would like to be able to create a list report that shows all features with a remaining effort greater than 0. Currently, the Feature original estimate and the Feature remaining effort fields are not included in those allowed to be included in so...
Display "last updated" date on the notes page (Info > Notes)
Displaying the "last updated" date as part of the notes page (without needing to drill into version history) would provide viewers and the kb owner with quick insight on how up-to-date the note is.
Matt Case
over 4 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
As an admin of Aha, I would like to see history and data on workspaces, fields, tags and custom fields so I can clean up the system on a regular basis. Knowing when a field was created, by whom , where it's used would be great. I , I know some of ...
Fatimah Gorin
over 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Display features board card color based on type instead of status
We use different feature and epic types and would like to have the option to color the cards on the features/board based on the type instead of the status for easier visual distinction of each card's type.
Scott Bleasdell
almost 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I'd like a dedicated board for managing a products goals and initiatives. My company uses agile principles even at the highest level of a product as our goals are taken through various stages such as research, development and validation and I woul...
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration