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Show year for External Release Date in Feature List view

In Feature List view, the column External Release Date only shows Day and Month. Add Year to provide clarity when sorting features that are multi year.
Guest about 10 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Provide shareable links for reports (not in notebooks)

We have reports that teams use and share. Often, those reports do not need to be in a notebook, because we are sharing with people who have access/license to Aha. However, we have a fairly consistent issue where sometimes links are copied (by copy...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 4 Shipped

Add To-Do Created By as a column and filter in reports

I'd like to understand who is creating to-dos for other team members and it is not a selectable field or filter in reports
Zach Novak almost 7 years ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Bulk Edit of Users- Delete or downgrade multiple users all at once

As an account/ billing admin, I would like the ability to bulk edit users so that I can effectively manage spend in a timely manner. 1)ability to delete many users at once 2) ability to downgrade level of access (from paid to unpaid) many users at...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Assign product releases as phases to other product Gantt charts

We are a hardware manufacturer. Our products contain software components that are products with releases as well. Before shipping a hardware product, we may plan to ship a couple of software component update/maintenance releases after the initial ...
Guest about 10 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

List View For Releases

Since releases can have status and workflow, it would be great to have a list view. It would be similar to the list view for features and ideas : customizable field list, customizable filters, and bookmarkable - also able to be included in noteboo...
Guest about 10 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

Would like the ability to create a report that shows products or product families that do or do not have a strategic model(s).

Would allow leadership to understand quickly if strategic models are being created for products and product families.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

click into release from pivot table

would be very useful when drilling down into releases
Guest over 10 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Add a checkbox to accept T&Cs

Hi, It would be a great addition to have the ability to set a content which ideas portal's users must accept to join the community. Thanks
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Shipped

Automatically add master release when I select sub-release in Feature Roadmap Reports.

It is confusing that I can select something as an individual release but it will not show up without also selecting the master release. Maybe just automatically add the master when I select a sub-release?
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped