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Make idea title selectable (or copy to clipboard on click)

For some reason, when viewing an idea (in the portal), the idea title is rendered as a link with class header-link. Consequently, this makes it non-selectable text, at least in Chrome (Windows). However, I often need to do precisely that, copy the...
Tobias Beer about 7 years ago in Ideas 2 Shipped

Empathy - Delete a Contact from the Contact list

I would like to be able to delete a contact from the list that i have not send the invite to. I created a standard list of contact and then confirmed with my sales team. In some cases they wanted to remove the contact from the list which i was una...
Naill Mclean over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 3 Shipped

Update default status colour of "Done" to Green

The default features workflow has three statuses: Not started In progress Done Done is currently defaulted to an organge colour. My expectation would be for Done to be a shade of light green indicating completion.
Madeleine Black over 3 years ago in Workflow boards 0 Shipped

Initiatives chart icon jumping when user drops onto a specific location

I can drag an initiative icon to the chart and drop it onto a specific location. Once it is dropped, however, this icon then updates to a slightly different location after a second or so. Unfortunately this behavior can alter the actual value that...
Nathan Wright about 7 years ago in Application 1 Shipped

Allow the format of the Portfolio Roadmaps be used for other strategic roadmaps

There is a desire to create strategic roadmaps within Aha, but the views are very "Gant Chart" style/format. The Portfolio roadmap view is visually appealing, but it seems to only allow me to use that view with releases on a roadmap. It seems like...
Guest about 7 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Shipped

Limited scope of default workflows

Rather than have a single set of defaults for a whole instance, allow a set of defaults from a given sub-hierarchy
Keith Mantell over 3 years ago in Application 0 Shipped

Fix Backlog Board Formatting

There was a recent change to the formatting of the backlog releases v. actual releases on the epic/feature boards. This is creating bad formatting for those of us using dark readers to help with eyesight/migraines. Please update the formatting so ...
Patrick Eslick over 3 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Need for Aha! Certified Trainers

It may be extremely useful for Aha! to provide certified training. Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, PMs, POs, and trainers will benefit from such training and certification. It would help in making them better users and trainers of this wonderful pro...
Guest about 7 years ago in Voting 0 Shipped

Hide Features label in Feature Roadmap when no Feature is chosen

When you select no Features for display in the Features Roadmap, you are left with a Features Heading and an empty box. It would be great to have both of them disappear when you don't select any features.
Aldon C over 7 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Customize cards for releases on Calendar report

The calendar is great to look ahead at releases and finding hotspot of delivery/shipping and impact to the customer base. To help with planning having specific metrics show up in the calendar item or at least a flyover box would helpful for decisi...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped