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Ability to change the row height on Roadmaps

With roadmaps that contain a lot of information the gaps between the bars is to wide, and being able to reduce the size of those gaps would be useful in bunching the information up closer.
Andrew Brooks almost 5 years ago in Roadmaps 8 Future consideration

Allow the creator to specify the visibility of an idea in a public portal

In previous solutions we've used to solicit feedback on new ideas in our company we've been able to allow the user to stipulate whether an idea should be private between us and them or visible to all. I'm well aware of portal default visibility se...
Nigel Lawrence over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Customize / Create New Record Link Relationship Types

In Aha! we can only create record link with the 6 default relationship types, while in Jira the new relationship types can be added and are customizable. We n...
Hank Liu about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Last Modified by or Last updated by is not avaialble

Last modified by or last updated by at feature level is not available to pull in the report, I see only created by. If this can be added and made available it will help, especially when we troubleshoot integration, system to system comparison of f...
Sasi Ravichandar over 5 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Automatically prompt to enter Comment when Idea Status is changed

Changing status of an Idea and entering a private or public comment are two separate actions. Today, status can change and no comment is sent to the submitter because we forget. I'd like to see the Comment screen automatically come up/prompt anyti...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Aha - get Audit history for the custom tables

The data in the master table which has the reference in the Custom Table was modified. when we investigate the history of the custom table, it shows the history of information. But when I look into the audit of the custom id, the history is not sh...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to retitle table of contents in presentations

If you are not using the native header for a slide in presentations, slides within the table of contents merely appear as "Slide #". As your presentation gets longer, it is challenging to quickly navigate around slides without the title or name ap...
Guest over 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Ability to set a default landing page per workspace

When using a centralized workspace for Ideas, it can be confusing for users to navigate to other pages like the Features board when going to the Ideas workspace from another workspace. In some cases users are taken to sections of the navigation th...
Stephanie Lechner over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Aha! Automation Needs Improvement

I have a mandatory custom field in Aha! Feature’s form and I would like the field to be non-editable once the release is approved through fixed workflow statuses, so that people could not make any changes there and any exception changes should go ...
Ankush Kumar over 1 year ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Fields not kept in-sync for merged ideas

What is the challenge? When I merge 2 ideas, one idea may have a custom field populated (i.e. Escalated). When the original idea is merged with the new idea, that field is not populated on the new idea. What is the impact? I like merging ideas bec...
Eliza Crawford 10 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration