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Import Data for Strategy Records

When uploading a CSV into Aha!, it only allows you to select: Features, Goals, Ideas, Initiatives, Products, Releases, or Users. It doesn't allow you to create/import data for Competitors or Strategy Models which is critial for us migrating Vendor...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Explicitly specify folder location when saving new research

Who would benefit? Notebook users creating new research docs What impact would it make? Avoid users operating within notebooks from having to relocate document on each new creation How should it work? One could be given a choice of save location w...
Aha@IBM about 1 year ago in Notes 0 Already exists

Default value for Predefined Choice list field

When we create a predefined choice list. Blank is shown as by default. it would be nice if the first value in my choice list is shown as default. it would reduce one user click.
Ravikiran N over 2 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Customize / Create New Record Link Relationship Types

In Aha! we can only create record link with the 6 default relationship types, while in Jira the new relationship types can be added and are customizable. We n...
Hank Liu almost 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Better UI for tags fields exported to whiteboards

Currently, if a predefined tags field is included in the rows of a pivot table and the pivot table is exported to a whiteboard, the tags are displayed as a bulleted list, with large indentations. Double click on the text removes the large indentat...
Steve Dagless 10 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Includes @mentions in mobile app

include mentions as in browser version to tag colleagues mobile app has increased user adoption but team use mentions a LOT
Gordon Campbell about 6 years ago in Mobile 2 Future consideration

Allow users to duplicate items in an Aha! Whiteboard using CTRL D

Who would benefit? All Aha! users What impact would it make? More easily and seamlessly brainstorm / design whiteboards rather than having to copy / paste every time. How should it work? Enable the CTRL D function within a Whiteboard.
Guest about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 2 Already exists

Ability to show idea data based on parent category.

We need ability to show idea data based on high-level category. (ref attached picture) Every week I provide exec summaries to our product leadership who are only interested in data around the product at a high-level view. To accomplish this, I hav...
Laura Giles over 4 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

When creating reports and roadmaps, the ability to share the filters between reports

What is the challenge? Maintaining the same filters across multiple views which use need to show the same data but in different ways What is the impact? Time saving when maintaining reports and roadmaps, consistency of presentation and accuracy of...
Manesh Patel 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Aha Develop: Show Prioritized Backlog changes in history

We use the Prioritized Backlog as part of our workflow in Aha Develop, records going from parking lots ("Engineering Work") or Roadmaps ("Product Work") into the Prioritized Backlog as they are refined and become ready.It would be really helpful i...
Jeff Tucker over 1 year ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration