What is the challenge? Although colors have been defined for a status, the color changes and shows as lighter when in views where the element appears as a pill. What is the impact? Only a cosmetic impact, and doesn't affect other use of Aha! Impac...
Becca Bommarito
9 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add Percent of total as option in Pivot Summary Totals
I would like a calculation for a percent of total as a pivot table summary calculation option. Currently, in a pivot table, the Summary options are mostly totals, averages, min and max. Having this calculation and ability to display as a percent o...
Laura Spohn
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow pie charts to fully display in a smaller sized panel within Dashboards
It seems like whenever a pie chart has been added to a dashboard, you need to expand the panel until the full chart is visible. There also seems to be a lot of white space in the chart background. It would be great if this could be reduced.
Shumona Raha
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The views for Releases are inconsistent. The details view, Gantt and Features board all place them in a different order and they don’t behave in the same was as other records. For example, in the Details view with the cards on the left, I can’t re...
Lindsay Zandy
over 2 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
When creating a pivot table, you can choose to summarize the values in the cells using the "Within cells list as" option. In some cases, the summarized values need formatting. For example, if you have a list of percentage values in you cells and y...
Austin Merritt
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I'm just creating this as a separate idea from the one that came up in my search here. I think this is a very important feature to add. I have several workspaces that were created before the new workspace types were launched. I need to convert tho...
almost 5 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Process where existing MS Visio drawings can be imported into Mockup.
I have a lot of existing visio drawiing that I would like to incorporate into AHA, would be useful to allow everyone to be able to modify these within the project rather than ...
over 6 years ago
in Mockups
Will not implement
As we estimate Features in days, and these that roll up to Epics, I want to view charts and graphs in days rather than have the system multiply them by 8 automatically to show them in hours.
Steve Treagust
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add a "Create Roadmap" button to the features priorisation page
What is the challenge? I spent a lot of time carefully ranking my features, which works well. Then i have to go and build a roadmap and add all the filters to get it to show the data. What is the impact? It slows me down and I have to repeat steps...
Mike Lowery
5 months ago
in Features / Roadmaps
Future consideration
Who would benefit? When setting a todo using an automation, there is often the need for the todo to repeat over the life of the record. What impact would it make? Currently I would need to manually set a todo to recurring and cannot use an automat...
Max Robbins
about 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration