As business needs change a Feature that seemed obvious to add to a release pipeline may get tabled based on new information and based on more information may need to be demoted. Even though Features can be bulk moved to Ideas the ability to easily...
Aaron Bawcom
about 10 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Add a count summary by user on the Workflow boards
As a Aha! user I will like to see a count summary by user on the Workflow boards So, I don't have to expand each user to see how many epics, feature or requirement they user have assigned. BACKGROUND: I need to have the data in the Workflow board ...
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? It's very common for teams to have a sprint goal as an aid to sprint planning and an aid to keeping the sprint focussed What is the impact? Sprint planning is a little less focussed without it and the goal of the sprint is s...
Mike Lowery
9 months ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Inter font is not very crisp and difficult to read when presenting on large screens. What is the impact? Presentations and Dashboards that are displayed on screens in any forum aside from a desktop monitor become difficult t...
Gary Goz
9 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Managing the logistics of a complex framework What is the impact? Save time, coordinate better, deliver better product, faster. Describe your idea After creating a framework it would be awesome to have it turn into an automa...
Steve Dagless
9 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Need to maintain to-dos and a comment thread, specific to a Framework or its steps. What is the impact? Dialogue and activities relating to the creation and maintenance of Frameworks have to be maintained outside of the Fram...
Steve Dagless
9 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Custom Email Address ("friendly" email address) for Ideas Portal
It would be helpful and easier for user adoption of the Ideas Portal in our organization of over 1000 employees if we had a custom email address that could be used to submit ideas (or in our case, requests) to the portal. In our organization, many...
Sarra Isabel
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Aha! API Entity Relationship Diagram/Data Model Documentation
Hi Aha! We would like to have a full understanding on how the various Aha! API endpoints ( relate to each other. Understood there is some customer facing documentation that explains the high-level of the Aha! Data Model. The...
Mike Champlin
over 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
Allow me to open release drawer from release retrospective report
Who would benefit? All customers using the release retrospective report What impact would it make? It would allow me to easily drill into the release for additional context when questions are coming up in review of the report How should it work? T...
Reilly O'Connor
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Limited layout functionality on capacity team record
Who would benefit? Users who would like to add custom fields to the account settings > capacity planning > teams view What impact would it make? Ability to add custom tabs and add rows to a custom table How should it work? When editing the l...
Kristina Gass
over 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration