Proxy Voting - Ability to configure to make proxy voting the only option available
Make proxy voting the only option available so that sales teams cannot vote on asks for themselves, but instead on behalf of accounts and then be able to collect that information for each vote.
Laura Giles
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
When adding features from the prioritization board, choose where they're placed
What is the challenge? When adding features from the privatization board, they are automatically added at the top of the priority queue. However, we have had PMs in our organization that this is annoying and might not want them added at the very t...
8 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to move features into already-shipped releases
I'd like a way to easily move a feature into an already-shipped release. Right now, the Release dropdown for a feature only displays active releases. To move one in this case (let's say the Aha backlog somehow got out of sync with our dev tracker ...
Christina Landry
about 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Strategic models templates for Lean Product Canvas and Lean Strategy Canvas
What is the challenge? There's a new Lean Product Canvas and Lean Strategy Canvas posted by Jeff Gothelf. Here's a post with more. What is the impact? Teams using Aha! can create their own custom templates for Strategy > Models. Curious if thes...
Craig Pflumm
4 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Re-arrange large to Small What is the impact? Scorecard Describe your idea We have request for Scorecard creation , in the one of metric, the user want values to be descending order i.e. 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 instead of ascending. ...
Barathi S
4 months ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
What is the challenge? When incident happens with software system, like to prepare a report which then can be promoted to work item What is the impact? Describe your idea Template for incident report
4 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When i search for a contact in Contacts, I cannot see ideas raised by this person What is the impact? cannot quickly view ideas raised by a particular customer Describe your idea When i search for a contact in Contacts, I ca...
Milestone Dates: Could we introduce a feature that retains the original milestone date, but also displays an arrow and a new icon when the date is changed?
What is the challenge? if the milestone date has changed, our team wants to be able to see both the old and new date. What is the impact? unable to see the date change when a project gets delayed Describe your idea have an icon for the original da...
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow a field to be re-used across multiple sections of a dynamic ideas form
We currently use dynamic forms within our ideas portal. We've structured our forms such that we gather initial information and then direct the user to one of 6 branches, where specific information is captured relative to that branch. We would like...
Mark Eaves
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
The competitors tab is great for tracking information I input about competitors. One of the default sections for competitors is the 'Recent News'. It would be very helpful if instead of me having to keep up 'recent news,' I could just input the rs...
Rob Bedeaux
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration