Please provide an option to pre-populate the list of teams in the capacity planning section of each epic. We have 14 teams where we're capturing estimates. When entering capacity data, it's very onerous having to manually add a row for each team t...
On idea portal url alert user that they might need to log in to view
This is somewhat related to To us portal urls are very unfriendly - it is quite common for our customer facing teams to socialise ideas with other internal users and raise them on behalf of a customer (who t...
Nigel Lawrence
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Ability to instantly see which feature cards are running over estimate
Need to be able to easily see at a feature board level which feature cards are running over the estimated time eg: Estimated effort is 2 days and currently 2.5 days has been logged against that feature card.
Happy for it to show as a red flag, ...
Unlock slides when they are not being actively edited
When prepping for a presentation where multiple people are collaborating, we are constantly running into the issue of people locking slides unintentionally simply by viewing the slide deck or forgetting to close their tabs. As a result we have to ...
Todd Meyer
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
We operate a partner and a direct model sales model, it would be great if you could create nested organizations or organization groups, something similar to: Org A Org B Org C Org D Org E Org F The Ideas listed against these group Organisations wo...
Mark Evans
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
On the Strategic Vision component, can you add a disclaimer that if the character count exceeds "X" then the vision summary data will not be save. Or, add a disclaimer that the summary section can not exceed "XX" characters.
Marina Reyna
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Show progress on goals & initiatives based on feature status
As features that are linked to goals and initiatives are complete, the progress of that goal / initiative should be updated based on the number of features linked and the number of those in progress, complete, etc.
For the Zendesk integration, provide an admin setting to turn on/off notifications
There needs to be a way to turn on/off notifications as well as customize the messages that are sent. We use Zendesk for our Customer Success portal for customers to submit feature requests as well as defects. Zendesk sends out notifications and u...