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My votes: Application

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Ability to link a whiteboard record to an existing record in Aha

I am loving the new whiteboard functionality and will be reviewing our use of a competitor (Miro) who has a set of similar functionality. I appreciate that I can create a new Aha record when brainstorming in the whiteboard. However, we often have ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists

Allow for "full card width" field setting

It would be great to allow for “full card width” fields. For example, the progress field. I would love to have that progress bar be the full width of the card vs. just half or a third especially when it is on its own line -- I'd expect it to expan...
Nathaniel Collum about 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Reorder tags to show special characters first

My org would like to utilize standard tags within the main tags field and have these tags show up first. The only way to do this right now is to have a 0 in front. We would like special characters like an asterisk to do this (ex: *Label) show it s...
Alyssa Menke about 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Move the scorecard chart into the roadmaps & custom reports section

The configurable chart functionality for ideas is fantastic, extremely flexible and interactive with the record score card. When scores are added to other record types, there isn't a comparable tool. Initiatives have a chart, but adding a scorecar...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

@mentions send notifications but do not subscribe user as a watcher

We often like to @mention users on different issues to get their attention to a specific item, but they don't want to be subscribed to the firehose of updates that come after that. Requesting a way to @mention someone without making them a watcher.
Christopher Rozon about 1 year ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Identify which set of record links are appearing in report columns & dropdown menus

Currently, record link columns AND filter dropdown menus for various record types are all named "Record Link," which is confusing. We would like the ability to distinguish between them.
Emily Millman about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Workspace config/historical data

Having an audit trail/historical data when it comes to workspace configurations/settings would be helpful. Details like what specifically was updated/changed and by whom & when would be great.
Guest about 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Ability to copy entire workspace contents to another

After messing up in a workspace configuration or design, I find it very useful to have a one stop shop button to copy entire contents (including user story maps, personas, roadmaps, features, etc.) from one workspace to another.
Todd Materazzi about 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration

AI-powered annual review report for PMs

Part of the value of Aha! Roadmaps is making product managers look like rockstars. The platform could help make that even more explicit by providing an annual review they can generate at any time. This could be something like a dashboard with AI-p...
Reilly O'Connor about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Nested tags to reduce input errors

I want to be able to enter tags by their most specific attribute and have larger categories apply automatically. For example, if all Epics tagged "Project X" are part of "Finance Transformation 2030," then I want the Finance Transformation 2030 ta...
Guest about 1 year ago in Epic 0 Future consideration