Would you consider adding the Capacity planning for Parking lot as well? The section is there, but it is missing the link to set a capacity and the capacity status bar showing work remaining etc. So since the parking lot is basically a copy of the...
Your basic offer starts at $59, which converted to Mexican pesos the price is $ 1,038 MXN... It might not sound much, but that's like 20 days of minimum wage in Mexico (here minimum wage is set by days of 8 hours labour). You might say that your t...
over 8 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
I want to have control over the order or releases in Features/Details view
For our SaaS app we define many parking lots to group similar/related/dependent features together. We then prioritize the parking lots left (high pri) to right (low pri). That works great in the Features/Board view, but when you switch over to the...
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Please could you add a marker icon on a idea comment which has be sent by mail? We use this function a lot, but after saving the comment (and automatically sending it to the customer), we cannot see if it is sent (or if we forget to check the chec...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
In a Timeline report you should be able to have an option to sort by From Date instead of To date
Where there are multiple line items for one group in the selected dimension it sorts them by the date you used as the TO Date for the Gantt bars. Having an option so sort by FROM Date would mean you don't have to put that date as a dimension on th...
James Carter
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Option to view Initiatives/Goals without Effort-Value matrix diagram
The PM group I work with does not use the Effort-Value matrix diagram on the Initiatives or Goals working page under "Strategy" and therefore find it quite distracting that the diagram is always there and takes up 2/3 of the screen. Also, since we...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Allow Aha! users to setup a watch directly in the ideas portal, just like Subscribe for portal users
Most of our Aha! users do not actually need access to the full Aha.io application. Access to our private Ideas Portal would be enough, but unfortunately Google Apps authentication is not supported directly. To overcome the lack of Google Apps auth...
Antti Toivonen
over 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
my team currently has a ton of stuff in the parking lot - but it is very tough to prioritize this because the card-based layout is frustrating to use when you're only moving up/down in one column. too many other things and a lot of weird scrolling...
Steven Kaplan
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
i've currently added description to many of my feature views. it's convenient because I can see a few lines about the feature at a glance, but annoying when it causes every row in my feature list to be many lines long.
would be great if the descri...
Steven Kaplan
over 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Shared custom field options between Features and Ideas
We have a custom editable tag field on both Ideas and Features. It's great that the Idea field values come over automatically when the Idea is promoted to a Feature. It would be even better if the list of available tags automatically synced betwee...
Chris Humphreys
over 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement