What is the challenge? Frameworks need to be presented to teams. During their creation, they are presented for review. After completion, they are presented to the teams who will carry them out and need to understand their content. Presenting from ...
Steve Dagless
8 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Current progress calculations do not account for dependencies, making it difficult to evaluate the true completeness of Master Features and Features. What is the impact? Ensures more accurate progress tracking, especially fo...
Josh Tambor
about 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I would like to be able to include the value from another scorecard in a scorecard.
We have some attributes in our total score calculation that indicate how valuable this would be for customers and another that indicates the value for prospects (a...
Alex Horan
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Ability to Configure Epic View as Default for all workspace views (Board / Prioritization)
Who would benefit? Enterprises who maintain Epic only or use Epic as primary record type. What impact would it make? Reduce confusion. The teams are currently directed to feature view on the board and prioritization view by default. Per Aha concie...
Hank Liu
about 1 year ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Currently, there's not a streamlined way for features to inherit their goals from initiatives as it requires many automation rules. Recently an enhancement was made to allow features to inherit their goals from the epic. It would be ideal if a sim...
about 2 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When creating a whiteboard on a specific record, such as a Release or Feature, I am not able to share it What is the impact? I would like to get input and provide access to these whiteboards to others on the team so that the...
Terri Salie
5 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Our team has multiple statuses for ideas. We would like the ability to send a customized email message based on that specific status. Currently Aha only has a "general" status notification email. We would like to extend this as our portal is setup...
over 5 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration
Ability to add an expiry date for shared webpages report.
What is the challenge? Currently there is no expiry date option present to be added to a shared webpage report as it the shareable links needs to be disabled manually. What is the impact? Instead of manually disabling the webpage it would be bette...
8 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Drag and drop is onerous only available in full release view. User should be able to directly enter rank position (or even before/after another ticket reference.)
over 8 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Change Assigned To to the Parent Idea's Assigned To when Merging Ideas
What is the challenge? The same idea can be assigned to different product managers, which creates confusion in the team. What is the impact? Describe your idea If you merge an idea into another idea, the Assigned To of the children idea should be ...
Teresa Bever
9 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration