Copy a feature from Product to Product and get the Aha ID from the new product.
Can I copy a feature to a different product AND get an Aha indentifier that begins with the different product prefix? Right now if I move a feature from Promote to Store Fulfillment the copied feature gets a PROMO ID and not an SF ID. If I copy, c...
Tammy Connell
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Add vertical offsets to labels in Bubble and Scatter charts where there is overlap
It's easy to create one of the charts that have the same value on the Y axis (like using components of the Score) so the labels overlap and are unreadable.
Aldon C
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Providing and ‘Aha! for EMM’ (Enterprise mobility management) app version will make it much easier for some companies to get governance board approval to use the mobile app.
over 6 years ago
in Mobile
Future consideration
Allow to set custom card layouts on a per role basis
Different roles need different details to be visible at a glance. Managers need more details than viewers. Allowing different default customized layouts per role would be helpful to keep cards as clean and focused as possible for viewers while bei...
about 2 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Clearer indication of the data hierarchy when creating report queries
On the list, pivot, chart and custom roadmap query builder, the lines showing the relationships between records in the hierarchy are so faint that users rarely register them. This makes it hard for new users to see or understand the significance o...
Steve Dagless
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I am running a prioritisation camp with the business, and we have just prioritised a large number of items (this view is awesome btw...) Now I need to tag all the items we have covered so we can filter them out of future sessions - but - there is ...
about 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to segment advanced estimates by spend type
Management needs to view a summary of the split between CapEx and OpEx costs. A given feature can include a mix of both types of expenses and there needs to be a way to capture the split of CapEx and OpEx within the estimate. There also needs to b...
I'd like to be able to sort features in a release by the Estimate assigned to that feature so that I can see a stacked rank of the highest cost features in a release. I can do that today in the List view, of course, but I'd like to be able to do i...
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Product line prefix for all ideas of all product workspaces under it
Let's consider an example to understand it better: I have a product line called: "Line1" having a prefix as "L1" I have 2 product workspaces under the same product line, i.e., Product A with prefix as "PA" Product B with prefix as "PB" I have an i...
Siddharth Bhojnagarwala
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Provide permissions to reviewers to be able to add proxy votes to ideas. Currently, they have no way to provide input on behalf of their customers or sales representations as they must request a contribute/owner to do this on their behalf. Very in...
Karie Kelly
about 4 years ago
in Voting
Already exists