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Pagination of Ideas, Features, etc

There is no way to set the # of Ideas/Features/etc you can see. If you want a list of 25 or 50 or see All. Seeing ALL would be beneficial. It would be great to have expanded features around Pagination.
Jason Soffer over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Save Labels or create icons for testing (pass, fail, info, question

Currently, there is not an easy way to save testing indicators that we like to use to pass / fail our tests that are written in the aha comments. There is an option to create a label, but those cannot be saved and so need to be recreated each tick...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Freeze steps row

There can be a lot of stuff listed under steps. Freeze (or lock) the row of steps so that as you scroll down to see the items below, you don't lose sight of what the steps are.
Tom Beck over 5 years ago in User story map 1 Unlikely to implement

Release Porfolio -- collapse/expand all for phases and features

Just a suggestion but in the 'Release Portfolio' view it would be great to have a collapse all/view all button that would open all sub phases (and features) to a releases rather than selecting to open/collapse all individually especially when feat...
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Be able to adjust the row width on custom tables

It would be good to be able to re-size the row width on custom tables to match the content...we have some longer content (a few bullet points of text) which makes each row very tall because it is compressed into a cell with a very narrow width rel...
Michael Loiacono almost 8 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow worksheets to lookup fields from many/many relationship field

In the same way you are able to reference a property on a custom table via the many/many relationship custom field, it would be great to be able to reference properties on standard record types via the relationship link. For example, on a featur...
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Hide Aha! identifiers in external facing roadmaps

I don't want to show any number at all. One of our primary goals was to be able to single source roadmaps for multiple target audiences and very few of those need any kind of reference identifier for features that we're discussing at a largely glo...
Guest over 7 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Unlikely to implement

Restrict Ability to Submit Ideas for a Product

As a Product Manager, I would like to control which products can have ideas. There are a couple of way to provide this capability: disable ideas on a product-by-product basis, restrict ability to create ideas within the portal by user or role, rem...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

When an idea has been promoted to an Initiative, allow the initiative status to drive the idea status.

Similar to how when an idea is promoted to a feature, the feature status can drive the idea status in the portal. Allow a similar status mapping to exist between initiatives and ideas.
Justin Woods over 8 years ago in Ideas 4 Already exists

Add "Campaign" functionality to Ideas Portals

To help promote customer feedback and interaction with my products and prompt ideas that align to different organizational goals/ initiatives, I would love the ability to 'run' ideas campaigns or/and challenges within the ideas portal(s). For exam...
Michael F almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration