When importing data to the Aha system, there are other id's that we use as keys such as Wave ID's etc. The goal is to be able to use other fields as ID keys so the system can identify the same key in the import data and update the system according...
Ray Devenney
almost 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When creating an automated to do, it could be possible you want it assigned to multiple people. You can do this if you have the specific users. Although when you select same as, you can only pick one 'same as'. It would be great if we could have s...
Ray Devenney
almost 3 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Change abbreviations for time-based capacity planning units
We use time-based capacity planning in Aha! Develop. Many of our features take less than an hour, e.g. 30 minutes. I would like to enter this as "30m" instead of "30min".
Jeff Tucker
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
When I'm looking at 1 or 2 releases, and 1 or 2 parking lots on the Features Board page - there's still a lot of white/unused space in the middle. At the same time, some of the feature names are wrapping, which means I can't see as many cards on t...
Jill Collins
almost 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Similar to the Notebook, but a little bit more freeform - I would like to have a little more control over the presentation of my specification documentation so that I can present it to potential clients. This way, I will have more engaging custome...
over 8 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Would like to easily identify the type of customer who's submitting ideas through a visual marker (e.g. a colored stripe across the bottom right corner of the photo). We have a number of types of users and would like to badge them differently (e.g...
Allie Emrich
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
I have restricted the navigation options depending on product line or child products, however I would like to resort the order that the navigation options appear - why does "Ideas" come between "Releases" and "Features". Logically "Ideas" should b...
Nigel Williams
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Allow email alias in accounts for replying to comments
We use multiple email addresses. We get Aha! comments and updates sent to one address, the user account email, but when replying we have to manually set the 'send from' address (in gmail) register the comment in the Aha system. It would be really ...