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Show child Products on Product Line Overview page

On a Product Line's overview page, display a list of its children Products.
Max Cascone almost 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Click outside of the "Edit data" box to get out of the pivot chart editing screen

Often times, I accidentally click "edit data" while in the pivot chart view and would have to click on the small x in the upper right to access the rest of the page. This improvement would allow for users to more quickly get out of the screen when...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Create Idea on behalf of someone else

As a product owner, I need to create an idea on behalf of someone else and have that person appear as the original requestor so that they receive the notifications as their idea is worked on. The persona is an individual who is not an Idea Portal ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Side bar view w/ Custom Favorites

Hello, I understand most of the navigation of is geared on top. A lot of tools (competitors) use a side-bar / tree view to assist customers navigate between workspaces, roadmaps, projects, sprints, etc. Some tools use a flat side-bar view w...
Todd Materazzi almost 2 years ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Improvements to Roadmapview Reports

Collapse and compressing of swim lanes and ability to have items sort by date versus alphabetically.
Fatimah Gorin almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Add Table-Templates to support Build-Measure-Learn-Documentation

A thing thats missing in Aha! is the support of the Lean Startup Build-Measure-Learn-Feedback-Loop. The most lean way I could think of integrating this is to add a tables as templates, so you can build your own version of this https://digitaleneuo...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Filter field for External Release Date

I’m trying to create a report showing the releases and constituent features released last month – which automatically updates as each month passes. I’m using a pivot report and have added a filter field called Release release date which allows m...
Dave Tucker almost 8 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Paste Multiple Lines (To-Do's)

This is a great feature in Trello, if i have a list of multiple lines in word or excel; when copy and paste into Trello it asks (do you want to create multiple lines?) - this would be perfect for updating to-do's and for requirements lists...
Andrew Pearson almost 6 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Distribution list for empathy sessions

We have segmented client groups that consist of about 15 client representatives in each group. We have a process where we always review ideas with the members within that group. When scheduling an empathy session, it won't be applicable for us to ...
Mark Eaves almost 4 years ago in Empathy sessions / Ideas research 0 Future consideration

Calculated Fields on More than Just List Reports

Please allow me to use 'calculated fields' in non-List report types. There's a great many times I want to report on derived data of some kind, however right now I can only use calculated fields in "List" reports. For example, I want to make a pie ...
Haddon Fisher almost 4 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists