As part of branding the presentation screen, it would be nice to have the ability to reflect its name / goal in the url. ie. {organization} Notebook/Product-Name
Ido Lanuel
about 7 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Brand is important. As a product manager, I would like to be able to customize the URL that my logo points to on my published presentations, or remove the link entirely.
Scott Goldblatt
about 8 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
The Idea detail via includes my list of To Dos for that idea I am working on. When I add the Idea Detail to a notebook it does not publish the to do list. My idea is to allow for to dos to be added to a not book by feature, release or idea.
Joe Ross
about 9 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
We use the presentation as our tools to communicate with clients our roadmap and details on features and ideas which are of interest to them. Each client has their own presentation and we also have a generic public one. When we update features, id...
over 10 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
I'd like to be able to drag, resize the product boxes in roadmap view to better leverage the page real estate
When creating roadmap views, i'd like to be able to resize and move the product boxes around (but keep them anchored to the timeline) so i can better utilize the page's real estate.
almost 9 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
We would like to the ability to embed i-frames into our published A-ha presentations. This would assist us in telling the current story about our development progress (ie current velocity in Team Foundation Server) and would also help in...
Carolynn Hunter
over 6 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Increase the maximum number of slides/pages in a notebook beyond 40
We have a large organization with multiple divisions under using Aha!. Need to create a single Notebook that can host all Roadmaps for specific division for easy access. Limit of 40 is very low. Need this to be in 80-100 range.
Rishi Patel
almost 8 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
I want to have a published presentation displayed on a public screen in the office, and auto play. I can currently manually press "play" once the page has loaded, but I would like this to be able to be done without having to press the button so th...
Kevin Burges
over 6 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
When creating presentations, it can be hard to find the presentations that have been created. They are accessible via the dropdown menu under "Roadmaps" (which doesn't make sense) then "Overview" (which takes the user to a pretty unnecessary inter...
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Ability for viewers to sort/ filter presentation headers
Headers should be sortable by presentation viewers. This would incredibly improve the functionality of presentations and cut-down on the need for creating duplicate presentation pages simply to apply a filter. AND...if filters are applied to a pre...
over 8 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement