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Allow custom fields in custom tables as filters as reports

I want to be able to add the fields in my custom tables as filters for my reports. I can add them to the reports for display already. Just need them the option to filter on them please.
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Real-time refresh when updating the Feature status in different reports

There are times in the planning process where teams will go through a prioritization planning process where they view planned features for their product or perhaps the suite of products as part of a Portfolio prioritization process in the Report L...
Matt Case over 9 years ago in Reports 4 Already exists

Allow sorting of Initiative Time Frame in Reports

Currently, if you include Initiative Time Frame in a Report, you cannot sort by that field. Even being able to do an alpha sort would be helpful. We were forced to create a custom free text field which duplicates Time Frame just to be able to sort...
Greg Aldin over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Count Logged Hours for JIRA Story and Task Children

Currently the "logged hours" component in Aha reports displays the hours logged against the parent feature or requirement mapped to JIRA. ie; If Aha requirements are mapped to JIRA stories, then Aha pulls in the hours logged against all mapped JI...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Measure feature cycle time

As a VP of Product, I'd like to be able to generate a report that takes the initial creation date for a feature, the “delivered” or “deployed” date for a feature, and average that for all deployed features to see our average cycle time for feature...
Evan Paul about 8 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

Custom Status and Status Categories for Goals and Initiatives/Better filtering on Initatives and Goals

We have a number of goals and initiatives we have planned, but not started and thus they stay in the not started status. My problem is I want my team to focus on our In Progress goals and initiatives.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Show multiple releases and percentages on Chart reports

I would like to view multiple product releases when creating a Chart (for both Pie and Bar). The goal is to list out each releases displayed with their percentage on one pie or bar chart report.
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Ability to collaborate on saved reports

As a product manager I'd like to be able to create reports that I can collaborate on, and edit, only with select Aha! users. I envision that this functionality would be similar to the collaboration functionality on Notebooks.
Scott Goldblatt over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Add the ability to select all/deselect in filter drop-down menus for Reports-->List Table

For any filter drop-down menu (example: Feature status), I would like to have a check-box that allows me to select all or unselect all in the field.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Improve filters for ease-of-use and increased user productivity

Problem We use filters a lot, but they are super clunky, requiring multiple clicks to change the filter, and with some Internet latency b/w the clicks the UX suffers even more. This slows us (me) down. Combining of the filter field selection with ...
Stefan Tzanev over 7 years ago in Reports / Search 1 Already exists