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Show milestones on Roadmap views (Not Gantt view)

Who would benefit? All users of road maps What impact would it make? Road map discussions are often broad discussions reaching to the future. I know you can add milestones to Gantt charts but they are not visible on any of the road map views we us...
Paul Wade 9 months ago in Roadmaps 5 Likely to implement

Customize the options available in the "Goals" and "Initiatives" fields on related "downstream" records

Who would benefit? Organizations that need to ensure that a large group of users link records together in a consistent way for roll up reporting. What impact would it make? Improved data quality by providing a narrow selection of possible goals an...
Dale Potter 6 months ago in Strategy 0 Likely to implement

Streamline the way that we create a text-link to a different page in a Knowledge Base

What is the challenge? Creating a link from one topic to another takes too much time. Currently, you need to: 1) Go to the destination topic and copy its URL, 2) Return to the topic in which you want to create the link, 3) Select the text to be li...
David Yelenchic 17 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Likely to implement

Add standard Key Results field on the create record view

What is the challenge? The standard Key Results field is available for use in the feature record view but is not available on the create pop-up. What is the impact? Users need to be able to identify the associated Key Results at the create step so...
Ashley Tierney 23 days ago in Features 0 Likely to implement

Ability to change color and remove table borders in Notes

What is the challenge? When creating a table in Knowledge, I'm unable to remove borders or change their color What is the impact? If I need to lay the page out in a specific way, one way to accomplish this is to use a table; however, I don't alway...
Jeff Bye 15 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Likely to implement

Add Now, Next, Later Roadmap to Dashboards

Who would benefit? Target audiences What impact would it make? Ability to include roadmap in dashboards for leadership and customers. How should it work? In Dashboards, "Add panel" > "Choose existing report" > "Choose a saved view" From repo...
Stephanie Redl 6 months ago in Roadmaps 3 Likely to implement

Include Create Object Option under related tab on Phases

What is the challenge? Within the Aha! UI, all objects (Features, Epics, etc) include the ability to link to an existing object, or create a new object from the related tab. Except for Phases, which do not offer this option. What is the impact? Th...
Michael Kirk 18 days ago in Features 0 Likely to implement

Customize record cards -- this needs to be available for cards in whiteboard as well

Who would benefit? All Aha White board users What impact would it make? alleviate pain of going back and forth to look at ranking or priotization or other details How should it work? All the information in Customize record cards in at workspace le...
Guest 10 months ago in Epic / Whiteboards 2 Likely to implement

Visible Loading Indicator

What is the challenge? Slow loading Idea popup without loading indicator What is the impact? UX/UI Improvement / Clarify application state to user Describe your idea Could you increase the size of the three-dot loading indicator inside Ideas popup...
Guest 2 months ago in Ideas 0 Likely to implement

Whiteboards need to support Markdown properly

What is the challenge? Markdowns interpret Markdown in text blocks but down size them properly What is the impact? Whiteboards are unusable once you put markdown in them Describe your idea Support the sizing of boxes with markdown in and/or allow ...
Guest 12 days ago in Whiteboards 0 Likely to implement