Release Phases represented as multi-day events on the Calendar Report
I can only find a way to see Release Phase Start Dates or End Dates in the Calendar Reports view. I'd like to see the entire multi-day length of the phase represented in the calendar view.
over 3 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
One-click option to view a release as a calendar report
Over the past couple months Aha! has added some fantastic one-click report options throughout the app. You can click More options in a custom table to see it as a pre-built list report You can click Manage integrations next to the Integrations pag...
Erik Johnson
almost 5 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Add "Show parent record" to the to-do calendar report card customization modal
On a to-do calendar report I can't customize the to-do card layout to Show parent record but I really want to. Seems like that visualization would always benefit from that context.
Erik Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
It would be useful to be able to show the workspace name on items on the calendar reports. We managed a portfolio of products in Aha! and would like to use the calendar to highlight upcoming releases. However, we aren't able to indicate which work...
Max O.
almost 4 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
To support capacity planning we currently need to maintain a calendar outside of Aha and then update in Aha to support capacity planning to streamline this we would like to see one of following options available: Ability to import changes to indiv...
Ruth Gardiner
over 1 year ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Make it possible to connect to-do's with activities in calendar view
I find it very helpful to keep track of my to-do's in the calendar view but when I want to add a new to-do there is no way of connecting it to an already existing activity. In order to do so, I need to go back to Initiatives which is a hassle. I w...
about 5 years ago
in Calendar / To-dos
Unlikely to implement
The right hand side schedule filter should persist through reload.
Currently, the schedule filter present above your unscheduled work resets itself every time the page is refreshed.
That causes extra work if there are parking lots or other schedules that you do not wish to ever display -- eg long term prioritized...
about 6 years ago
in Calendar
Unlikely to implement