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Status Future consideration
Categories My work
Created by Max Chanoch
Created on Feb 24, 2015
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-14641 Customize the data columns displayed in My work.

Add feature due dates to My Work Merged

My Work is only applicable if an organization uses "To Dos" to assign tasks. If a company assigns features - those due dates should appear in My Work. Currently, everyone must build a custom view in the Feature View, meaning they have to login, select features, and then load their custom view. Instead of a three step process, it would be easier if individuals could login and see their immediate queue via "Feature Due Dates" in My Work.

Less important, but would be neat - would be to allow admin's to customize what appears in the "My Work" section. I don't ever foresee a need where we will use To Dos - I would love to replace this column with something more applicable - like a permanent view of Features Details or something else super productive. 

  • +1

Display Feature due date on "My Work" page / Customize "My Work" page

It would be very nice to see the Feature due date on the My Work screen. It would be even nicer to be able to sort by feature due date and omit the release. The ability to customize the "My Work" page, similar to a Dashboard, filled with preset r...
Kyle Carpenter over 8 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Show Feature due date on my work page

The My Work page is a great place to see an overview of Features and To-dos assigned to me. It helps that the Releases have their due dates listed next to them. I would LOVE to see the actual Feature due date listed out next to it if it differs fr...
Guest over 5 years ago in My work 2 Future consideration

Allow Activity due dates to be viewed under "My Work"

When viewing "My Work" in Aha, a user should be able to see their due dates for Activities, much like they can currently view due dates for their To-dos.
Victoria Moore almost 6 years ago in  0 Future consideration