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Select product when entering idea

I'd like to be able to activate a single Idea Portal that allows the submitter to select the product for which the idea applies. I realize we can set up a "dummy" product and create a single portal for it and even use products as idea categories, but that approach does not assign the idea to the appropriate product automatically.

    Mar 13, 2015

    We are revisiting the ability to have an idea portal that will support multiple products.

    The configuration of idea portals will move from the Product Settings to the Account Settings section. This will allow a single portal to span multiple products. If you configure you portal with multiple products then users will be prompted to choose the product before creating a new idea.

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    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Apr 18, 2017

      Hi Marco,

      Yes, you can create a central "ideas" product so that portal users don't have to select a specific product when creating an idea. Those ideas can then be promoted to a feature in the appropriate product when you are ready. We have a support article here which provides more detail on the process.

    • Guest
      Apr 18, 2017

      Hello Aha team,

      We are starting using AHA ideas portal to be our Ideas capturing interface for employees initially. Once we want to capture overall ideas, not initially linked to a Product, is the dummy product configuration feasible for this? I mean, creating a dummy product to link to the portal will allow us to further link that idea to a feature, etc... that is linked to another product?



      Marco Cara

    • Guest
      Feb 7, 2015

      Hi Suzanne,

      thanks for clarifying the existing functionality further. I think what may still be missing for us is that each of the product managers would like to manage their own idea queue. So they would like a view of the Overview screen that they can filter by product (or custom field as you are recommending) and they would also like to only be notified if a new idea is entered for their product, rather than for all new ideas entered. Are these remaining workflows possible?



    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Feb 3, 2015

      Hi Aron -- Each product manager can create a custom view on the Ideas List view so that they are only looking at ideas for their products. These views can be saved so that they never see anyone else's ideas.

      There is no benefit to moving ideas to another product. The purpose of Idea objects is to ensure that they can a) be visible for voting and commenting in the portal and b) automated notification can be completed.

      When a product manager wants to do something meaningful with Ideas, they promote them to features IN their product. Then as that feature goes through it's own lifecycle, updates are automatically sent back to the idea and ultimately to the subscribers of that idea in the portal.

      Use this support article to guide you on how to create custom views in the Ideas List screen:

    • Guest
      Feb 3, 2015

      Hi Suzanne,

      Thanks for the response. I actually did try the approach noted in the article, however it did not meet our desired expectations. While the custom field does permit folks to select the product to which the idea applies, this does not actually set the product field - the product remains "Ideas". Each product manager assigned to a product prefers to review and manage their own queue of ideas rather than managing a common queue. The approach recommended in the article requires each manager to review the common queue and then manually re-assign the product appropriately. This action however causes the idea to no longer be visible in the portal for future comment/voting since the portal is associated with the "Ideas" product rather than the actual product.