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Created by Nils Davis
Created on Dec 10, 2014

Feature templates

When my team writes features, I want them to be sure to at least think about - and typically actually write - things like key Acceptance tests, a short narrative about the market problem the feature solves (could be in user story form), and how the feature affects key areas of the product (e.g., reporting, upgrades, backward compatibility, searching - plus lots more specific to the specific product). Today I can copy an existing feature as a template, but that means I can't use that lovely big "+" button that's so appealing. 

This enhancement would be used all the time - every time I or one of my team members created a feature. And the result would be better feature specifications, because they'd always have an Acceptance test - or clearly be missing one - and they'd always have something done on the list of impact areas, and they'd always provide the motivation - the customer or market problem - for building it. My features would be higher quality, engineering would have a much better idea what to build and why, and my company's revenue and profit would accelerate.

    Dec 10, 2014

    We agree with this and have an existing feature planned to allow for templates. 

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    • Suzanne Vaughan
      Mar 17, 2015

      Max, you did indeed. I have merged the ideas. Thanks!

    • Max Chanoch
      Mar 16, 2015

      I think I created an idea for this today -

    • Guest
      Mar 13, 2015

      Such a template would be extremely useful in the Idea portal as well.

    • Admin
      Brian de Haaff
      Mar 11, 2015

      We still agree that this is an important feature, but it is sitting behind a few releases and a number of other features and integrations that there continues to be more support for. We have not forgotten about it and it is on the roadmap. 

    • Guest
      Mar 10, 2015

      Hi Aha team,

      Any update on this request, and when it might be implemented?

      This is a critical one for our team to really get onboard with using aha efficiently 

    • Fabian Henzler
      Feb 22, 2015

      It would also be nice to integrate this with personas and a story template like

      "As <persona> I'd like to <feature usage> to be able to <feature outcome> so that <persona> can have <benefit>"


      "As Fabian (Product Manager) I'd like to have a feature template to be able to make sure that every story follows the same principle so that the Product Owners and Development Teams can grasp the intention easier"

    • Carrie Reineccius
      Feb 3, 2015

      Definitely love this idea....would provide a consistent set of details for each user to provide.

    • Guest
      Dec 22, 2014

      I'd also like to have the ability to have a Release template, that can be called upon when creating new release for other products, that when selected, will create the release with all of the Features and their associated requirements, tags, etc.

    • Nils Davis
      Dec 10, 2014

      A template per product would be great, and the ability to have multiple templates per product *might* be even better, although things start to get confusing at that point.

    7 MERGED

    Create a customizable and default "Description" that populates every time a new Feature is created

    Each time I add a feature I add our default formatting. It looks like this: --- <Business Requirements Text. This is the goal of what we are trying to build> Acceptance Criteria <Acceptance Criteria 1> <Acceptance Criteria 2> ...
    Max Chanoch about 10 years ago in Features 0 Shipped