For us, it would also be of great help to have a color selection per Idea Category. This seems rather simple to select a static color when setting up the Idea Category which then could be displayed in reports and list views.
It would be very helpful to show the persona field on the card with their respective color (like tags currently do) instead of just a default black background for every persona.
It would be very useful to be able to colour idea categories similar to how tags can be coloured.
For us, it would also be of great help to have a color selection per Idea Category. This seems rather simple to select a static color when setting up the Idea Category which then could be displayed in reports and list views.
We would like the ability to set a field color based on the field's value. This would be wonderful for Scorecards.
Please add this! I know these are default fields, rather than custom fields, but they still display as tags.
Having the Idea Categories color coded would help to prioritize which features need to be prioritized.
This would be very helpful to our team
It would be very helpful to show the persona field on the card with their respective color (like tags currently do) instead of just a default black background for every persona.
Persona tags should match the color selected for the persona
Seems like everything else can be set to a color- why not Idea Category entries?
I need the same to better visually differentiate personas in my feature view.