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Categories Ideas
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 7, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1091 Link "ideas" portal comments to promoted "features".

Ability for Comments From Features to Be Posted to Their Source Idea

Today, when an idea is "promoted" to a feature, there is no way for comments posted in the feature to automatically be posted back to the Idea. While it is true that we generally would not want some of the comments and dialogue on the Feature to be exposed to the Idea, it's a common scenario that some would be; as an example, when more information needs to be requested from the original submitter. With the current model and capabilities, this is only possible by separately going back to the source Idea and posting commentary there which means that items must be managed in two places. It would be highly useful to duplicate the same type of capabilities that exist on Ideas, where you can choose whether a comment is internal only or external as well. On features that are promoted from an idea, I would like to see similar capabilities that enables a comment to be "posted to source Idea" to simplify th process of communicating updates back to requestors.