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Add Goals and Initiatives to ideas

Allow to associate ideas to Goals and Initiatives, 

It is useful to analyze how aligned are the ideas to Strategies. 

    Dec 28, 2016

    Now you can create Goals and Initiatives custom fields on Ideas (as well as any other record in Aha!) to show how Ideas link back to your strategy.

    In addition to these strategic records, you can now also create custom fields for every record in Aha! including products, competitors, personas, release, and ideas.

    Read more about additional ways that you can leverage our new feature.

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    • Brad Thielemann
      Jun 27, 2024

      The use case is to show all Initiatives and Ideas which are associated with the same Goal

    • Nick Mariette
      Aug 19, 2016

      For internal ideas portals, it is helpful to push it to the requester to associate ideas with broad company goals. This increases the quality of requests. 

    • Guest
      Jun 3, 2016

      I think this would be extremely valuable in having a full picture of an initiative and where each of the ideas are in their life cycle.   This capability would greatly enhance our ability to leverage idea management in a much more impactful way

    • Guest
      Jul 30, 2015

      I fully support this feature as well. I think, at least for internal portals, it's more important to be able to associate goals and initiatives at the Idea level, as that association will feed the decision to promote and Idea to a Feature, or not. The promoted Idea would then carry those associations through to its life as a Feature.

    • Simon Smith
      Jun 13, 2015

      I get why this might not be there, since you may not want to expose your goals and initiatives through external portals. But then we should just have the ability to turn that off for portal users. It would be very useful to review ideas by goals and initiatives. Currently, the only way to do this is to use categories and subcategories, but that results in a lot of duplication.