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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 15, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-5158 Rerank feature board by any feature attribute.

Allow selection of Custom Fields for Reranking the Board, Compound sorting Merged

The Rank fields provided do not adequately allow the user to order the board they way they want.  For example, I had created a custom priority field and then ranked the features by score within the priority manually.  Ranking by the standard out of the box attributes is ok, but not what is needed.  The sorting of the board is a step in the right direction, but not really useful yet.  Need a compound sort function that includes custom fields.

This should also include ranking by custom scores created within custom scorecards on Features.

  • Stephanie Redl
    Oct 15, 2020

    Definitely need that urgently. Because of the differences in rank calculations in Aha! (per release) vs. Azure DevOps (globally, with sparsification) it is currently not possible to use Aha! for prioritization of items for the release (see also open idea:

    We have teams where R&D does a pre-ranking e.g. of technical items, which we then import to Aha, so the product manager can plan them into the roadmap/a release. The question is, how can the PM know what are the most important items from R&D when he’s only looking in Aha (Feature Board for easy drag’n’drop)?

    Also, the other way around: Product Manager makes a priority list for the next release and sends that to Azure DevOps, then he needs to go again and rank everything on Azure side before getting together with the R&D team to discuss the plans for the upcoming sprints. Gets us quite some pushback from PMs - "Why should I do all this stuff in Aha! when I then need to do it again in ADO???"

    There's no good workaround for now. Of course, you can use list view to sort by a custom field that holds the rank from Azure DevOps, and from that view drop things into releases - but why do we have such a beautiful board if we cannot use it? We tried mapping the Aha! score field to the stack rank field, but when you sort by score on the board, it sorts the highest rank on top - which is exactly the opposite (but makes sense from a score perspective) of the ranking in ADO...

    Please, please do this!!!

  • Guest
    Feb 13, 2019

    If we are using a simplistic Scoring system (like 1-50) in which 1 is most important, the current sorting system of ranking the higher number first doesn't work. Aha! should allow for basic up/down sort functionality like they do in any other column throughout the system. 

  • Stephen Morse
    Sep 7, 2018

    Can we please get this moved up, we have to use a custom field today to create the actual stack rank of how we want the features to flow through the Dev process.   We now have to maintain a spreadsheet, VSTS and AHA to assure that we are working in the right priority. 

  • Guest
    Dec 12, 2017

    Ability to rank/sort by custom fields will be a great addition for my team.

  • Michael Zadda
    Jun 20, 2017

    absolutely!  I was so excited when I saw the announcement only to later find out it's available for built in fields such as create date, tags and others which is not great.  We have various fields such as Strategic Alignment (High, Med, Low) and other custom prioritization fields. Not having this is a bit turn off for me as I expected it to be available capability

  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2017

    I also need to be able to rank by a custom field, and ideally also perform a secondary ranking by another custom field or a built-in field.


Allow sorting of board by custom field or custom score

No description provided
Marcin Radlak almost 4 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Ability to select which score the boards sort on

I love the new ability to sort the boards based on score automatically. So I happily went along and created a special scorecard that I might want things to be sorted on. Sadly. I can not choose which score i want it to sort on. I presume that it i...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Shipped