Every so often, it becomes necessary to do some house cleaning on saved views/reports as they can accumulate and become obsolete over time. Currently, the only way to delete a saved view is to go into the "Edit & Share" modal for each view and click on the red delete button. It would be desirable to have more of a standard file system method for being able to select several files and just do a mass delete (with a warning of course).
We have a team with over 20 full users who have been collaborating in Aha for 3 years. There are a lot of old views that have been accumulated and I would love to be able to clean them up, but it is just too cumbersome. Ironically, as long as this mess persists it is almost impossible to find a useful saved view to re-use so many of us just create a new view making it even worse.
It took 45 minutes to clean up just the list views and another 25 for notebooks. Please consider this as a productivity focused enhancement