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Created by Dan Molloy
Created on Jan 6, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-2133 Release Gantt with rows/phases that can be ordered for a better visual layout.

Change Release Phase/Milestone Order

As a product manager 

I want more control over the order of phases in their vertical list / Gannt view so that

I can choose the order of phases that have the same start date and have a more understandable visual linking of phase relationships.

  • Guest
    May 21, 2018

     Yes, optics are important to executive stakeholders. Anything that helps see through the clutter of data details for that matter is helpful.

  • Corina Toth
    Oct 11, 2017

    Being able to reorder the phases and milestones would be helpful in presentations to stakeholders to show priority. If resources are taken away, it would be easier to show what work will be deprioritized.