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Created by Guest
Created on Dec 13, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-5278 Add Competitors, Business Model, Personas and Vision to be terms which can be renamed under 'Terminology'..

Customize Names at Third Level Down (e.g. Vision, Business Model, etc.)

This is useful because we all approach product development using different frameworks (e.g. LSU, JTBG, etc.), and need to customize the terminology throughout. Thx

  • Lily Bragg
    Aug 16, 2019

    This would be excellent. In different products we use “Strategic Models. “Competitors,” “Vision” for different purposes and the name makes things confusing for people. Would be incredible to have the ability to customize names and improve stickiness across the tool.