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Categories Ideas
Created by Patrick Pickren
Created on Dec 9, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-4484 Ability to enable/disable each email template for the ideas portal.

Ability to configure events that trigger idea email notifications to subscribers

We have a very active ideas portal and when users votes on an idea they become subscribers to that idea. Many of our idea portal users have complained that they receive too many unwanted emails (they are notified any time another portal user makes a comment). The only option these idea portal users have is to unsubscribe from the idea; however, they will not be notified on idea status changing which is what they most care about. Therefore, provide the ability to have a configurable setting related to types of notifications for idea portal subscribers (e.g., only when status changes). 

  • Carolyn Johnson
    Oct 23, 2019

    I agree this is needed so we can keep our customers updated on the status of their requests without requiring that they receive emails on all changes. 

    The main one we'd like to turn off is the email triggered when someone comments.


Allow user to select how frequently they wish to receive email updates on ideas they have subscribed to or voted for.

Feedback from our customer: Pretty frequently, I receive a flood of emails to my inbox when there is an update on an idea I've voted for or entered. One person will make a comment, then many other people on the idea will respond, and for each one,...
Charlene Brennan over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped