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Bulk creation of Releases

Many marketing teams use Aha! to create and manage their marketing campaigns and roadmaps.

This use-case typically involves representing campaigns as Aha! Releases and generates many more releases than a software development use-case would (typically in the order of 75-200 campaigns in a single month). These campaigns also tend to have far fewer features than other use-cases with Aha! features representing the various digital or marketing assets that will be created. There are usually somewhere in the order of 1 to 10 features in each campaign.

Currently in Aha!:

  • Releases can be staged in the parking lot and can be copied (but not duplicated in bulk).
  • Releases can be bulk uploaded using CSV but cannot include features.

It would be fantastic if there were an option in the CSV release import functionality to also specify an existing release that should be copied from as the basis for the new release.

    Nov 19, 2016

    Thank you for the request. Many of our customers use an existing workflow, but use Features as the marketing campaigns, and requirements underneath them to handle specific assets. This would allow greater flexibility in the handling of campaigns.

    At this time, we do not have plans for updates in this specific area around bulk creation of releases based on current priorities and historical feedback. We hope you may consider the workaround.

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    • Guest
      Nov 15, 2016

      As our marketing activities and plans are formulated on a monthly rolling basis we need some sort of functionality to create releases, features and to-do's based on our draft plans (usually in excel) into Aha without too much manual work. We'd like to bulk add them or have functionality that enables us to promote ideas to features with pre-set to-do's so our initial planning process can be kept within Aha also.

      If this can be achieved it should eliminate the need for a dedicated 'Aha administrator' within the business