Customizable ordering of categories would allow me put categories in an order that works for me, such as by priority or significance. Case in point: I want a catch-all called "Other" but it shows up in the middle of my list, not at the bottom where I would prefer it.
This is very much needed. It doesn't help with adoption when it looks like it has not been set up with any care or attention.
This would be great. My product has a large menu. To help users where the should register their idea I would like to match aha portal to the product menu bar.
Tricking sort orders is a pain... appending characters to the front to force a sort order and have those characters ignored (as in category sort in Idea list) is aggravating. (Want to add a category to be listed first, have to use a number prefix instead of any ASCII display character above 'a')
Also! Other must be the lastest category for me!