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Status Will not implement
Categories Features
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 9, 2016

Don't allow duplicate "tags" with grammatical differences, caps/no caps, etc.

Tags – the Aha! system allows you to create the same tag multiple times with “caps” & no caps. Example: “National” and “national” – they are created as separate tags, even though it's the same thing, just grammatically different. The tag list ends up being really long when this is allowed and it's difficult to manage and affects filters when searching or tallying data for reports if the user is unaware of the duplication of tags.

    Sep 1, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. We currently do not have plans to update this area as it does not align with our current strategy or recent customer requests. However, it is currently possible to create a pre-defined list of tags to ensure that users select the correct tag without creating duplicates. We hope this helps to limit duplicate tags.

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