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Don't auto-populate initiative start/end dates when clicking Strategy\Roadmap tab

Instead of auto-populating the initiative start/end dates after any user clicks the Roadmap tab (with today's date + 90 days), we would want the dates only populated when a user types it in. We would want the Roadmap tab to just be a blank row if there isn’t a date associated with an initiative instead of guessing at the dates.

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    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Mar 12, 2018

      Since this idea was originally opened we changed the behavior so that when creating new strategy roadmaps only initiatives with dates are automatically added. This would not have affected the filter for any existing roadmaps, so if the filter was to include all initiatives in a product then it is possible that new initiatives would have a date assigned so they could be shown on the roadmap. 

    • Guest
      Mar 12, 2018

      I just got burned by this as I added a coworkers initiative to my roadmap before putting all my filters in place, and it assigned dates to his initiative. Within the HOUR I got an email asking me what I think I am doing. Thumbs down.

    • Guest
      Jul 25, 2016

      Today it does this (not good):

      1. Create a new initiative (leave start/end date blank)

      2. Click the Strategyà Roadmap tab

      3. Go back to the Initiatives tab. Note that the new initiative from step 1 now has a start date of today and an end date of 90 days even though you haven't filled it in.