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Categories Strategy
Created by Todd Gibson
Created on Jun 14, 2016

Allow Competitor Categorization in List and Matrix Views

Our product touches a number of different markets. Within those markets we have many competitors, but each only compete in a certain way.  Having all competitors (there's a long list) without the ability to categorize them is very cumbersome.  It would be extremely helpful if we could create simple categories within which a competitor would live.  Any competitor could live within multiple categories.  The matrix view would ideally allow filtering based on categories as well.  

Doing this would allow our company to achieve a comprehensive overview of competitors while maintaining critical clarity across a complex landscape.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 23, 2019

    We have added a custom tags field to work around this limitation but are not realizing the reporting/filtering is really limited. It would really help if this feature was built in and had the same filtering/reporting capabilities as other parts of the system have.

  • Matija Abicic
    Jan 23, 2019

    This would be a big one for me as well, in a landscape with a large number of competitors and nuanced solution offerings, it will provide a  lot of value to be able to glance at a competitive landscape at the "feature" level in a matrix view

  • Guest
    Apr 3, 2017

    Have we got a release date for this?


Categorise competitors

My product line has numerous competitors which excel in different solution areas. I would like to be able to categorise the competitors I have created in the Competitor section to make it easy to see which group of competitors are specialists in C...
Julie Edwards about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped