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Option to not display portal user name or to display an alias in Ideas Portal

Many companies require the option to provide users with anonymity. We can support this today when SSO is not being used by allowing users to modify the name that displays in the portal in the Edit Profile page. However, when SSO is being used, clicking on Edit Profile displays the user information but it is grayed out and states "Please update your profile through your SSO provider". 

Some companies would like to have the option to hide portal user names altogether. 

    Aug 23, 2017

    Today we launched a new option to hide portal user names in ideas portals. With this setting enabled, users can add, vote, and comment on ideas anonymously within the portal. Check out the blog post for more details.

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    • Guest
      Apr 13, 2017

      I was on trial and ready to order but due to this feature being missing I cant order due to data protection issues.

    • Paul Mundy
      Apr 10, 2017

      This would be very useful. Happy for other firms to see the suggestions but would not want users across different firms to be able to see the users / firms which submitted the ideas.

    • Dale Burnett
      Mar 30, 2017

      This would be very useful for us as well (to hide the user name) - we may have issue making our portal public to our customers if everyone's full name is displayed ...

    • Guest
      Jun 15, 2016

      In some cases the first part of the email address is shown. See

    • Guest
      Jan 21, 2016

      This would be a powerful thing for us - having clients converse and suggest ideas in anonymity would bring feedback to another level.

    1 MERGED

    All ideas should appear to be logged by anonymous user to another user.

    All ideas should appear to be logged by anonymous user to another user. This will enable them to vote on other users items and not see who logged the idea for data protection reasons.
    Guest almost 8 years ago in Voting 0 Shipped