Objectives and Key Results are a form goal setting templates that are very effective to get the whole company in line with the most important goals and to become more data driven. see this for an overivew.
I would like to be able to enter Goals as OKRs instead (as an option). The goals functionality right now is limited to only one metric per goal, and there's no way to order the goals chronologically or temporally, i.e, Q1 goals, Q2 goals etc. Additionally, Google uses a scoring mechanism to keep track of how well the objectives were met, by assigning a points value between 0-1. This would also be a nice feature.
an OKR can take the following form:
Objective: Get Aha! to add an OKR feature in their product as an addition to the goals setting feature
Key Results:
I've been experimenting with this - I think "shipped" is slightly over stating it and some small changes could actually go a long way.
So to implement this is what you can do:
I'd be interested to know how others have implemented. You can do this on a top product line level for you group/team or even individuals so that individual product OKRs can rollup to the top.